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Seven Breast Augmentation Myths

If you are considering a breast augmentation and would like to learn more about how this procedure works, Dr. Desman is here to help. Our team can explain some common breast augmentation myths and facts, to help you better understand what to expect from this treatment.

MYTH: My Breast Implants Will Look Fake

Whether your implants look fake or natural depends on the type and size implant that you select. During your consultation, Dr. Desman considers your goals and the measurement of your tissues to create a custom plan for your breasts. This leads to natural results. However, if you select an implant size that is not based on your tissue measurements and characteristics, it may be more apparent that you’ve had your breasts surgically altered.

MYTH: My Breast Implants Will Feel Fake

Modern advances in technology have led to the development of implant materials that feel extremely similar to natural breast tissue. Placing them beneath the chest muscle, and taking measures to prevent scar tissue build-up, helps keep implants soft.

MYTH: I Won’t be Able to Breastfeed with Implants

Most women with breast implants can successfully breastfeed. Whether the implant is placed underneath the breast tissue or the muscle and breast tissue, there is no disturbance to ducts and glands that produce milk. Pressure from the implants may decrease the amount of milk that you make, but it will not make you unable to breastfeed. Also, the milk itself is extremely safe, the silicone or saline does not affect how the milk is made or what’s in the milk.

MYTH: Implants Will Improve the Look of My Saggy Breasts

If your breasts droop significantly and your nipples are at or near the bottom of the breast and point downward, implants will not correct these problems. Dr. Desman may recommend adding breast lift to your surgical plan to improve both the size and position of the breasts. Larger and larger implants won’t fix your saggy breasts, it will just give you larger, droopier breasts. The way to fix the sagging is with either a breast lift or a combination procedure of a lift with implant.

MYTH: Surgery Will be Painful

You will receive anesthesia medications prior to surgery for your comfort, and you will be completely asleep during the operation. With the rapid recovery program that Dr. Desman uses; most women are back to normal activities 24-48 hours after surgery without the use of narcotic pain medicine. You will be sore, but it will be manageable. No special pain pumps are needed either.

MYTH: Only Younger Women Can Get Breast Implants.

In general, breast augmentation is an option for women over the age of 18. While it is popular among Northern Virginia area women through their 30s, about half of Dr. Desman’s patients have the surgery during their 40s once they are done having children.

MYTH: Implants Need to be Replaced Every 10 Years

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” You do not need to have surgery just because your implants have reached the 10-year mark. Dr. Desman recommends leaving your implants until one has ruptured, and depending upon the circumstances you may replace both. Many patients have their implants for 20 years or more before they have a leak. If you have silicone implants, the FDA does recommend that you obtain either an ultrasound or MRI 5-6 years after your initial surgery and then every 2-3 years after that to check for a leak in your silicone implants.
To learn more about common breast implant myths and questions, reach out to Dr. Desman’s office today and schedule your consultation.