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5 Best At-Home Skin Care Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Moisturized

When regular video chats with co-workers, friends, and family are forcing you to look at yourself more often, you might have started feeling self-conscious about your complexion.

Fortunately, staying home presents the ideal opportunity to get the soft, healthy, glowing skin you’ve always dreamed of— and the best part is, it’s easier than you might think to do so. Here are our top five at-home skincare tips.

1. Go Back to the Basics

Skincare doesn’t have to be a complicated, multi-stage process to be effective. If you’ve been using lots of different products, you could leave your skin more vulnerable to breakouts. Save yourself time by stripping your skincare routine down to cleansing and moisturizing every morning and evening. Don’t forget to keep your hands moisturized, too. As beneficial as frequent handwashing is to prevent the spread of illness, it can also strip the essential moisture barrier from your skin.

2. Stay Healthy

Overall wellness is at the top of many people’s priority lists right now. Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, exercising, getting enough sleep, and avoiding chronic stress can all strengthen your immune system and help you stay healthy. You’ll also see the payoff in your skin.

3. Use the Right Products for Your Skin

Use your skin type to determine your skincare needs. For example, if you have oily or combination skin, using a moisturizer designed for people with dry skin could leave you more prone to breakouts. Carefully read the label on any product before you buy it. If your skin tends to be more sensitive, harsh chemicals and allergens could trigger unwanted problems. Just as all-natural ingredients are best for the foods you eat, the same principle is true for your skin. If you invest in high-quality skin care products formulated with your skin type and concerns in mind, you’ll soon see results that you’ll love.

4. Skip the Makeup

If you’re not planning to leave home, save time in your daily routine and give your skin a break from pore-clogging makeup. In doing so, you’ll allow your skin to perform at its peak. You’ll soon see a healthier glow emerge.

5. Exfoliate

Oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells can build up on your face and lead to breakouts. To solve this problem, make time to gently exfoliate your skin. Don’t overdo it; exfoliating too often or too zealously can cause micro-injuries and strip your skin of its protective moisture barrier. Two to three times per week should be enough to keep your skin healthy.

Get Solutions to Your Skin Care Worries

If you’re dissatisfied with the quality of your skin, contact us at the Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery to schedule a no-obligation consultation and get personalized recommendations for skin care products. We’ve developed our exclusive Néos skin care line for all skin types. Use these products to refine texture, minimize fine lines, nourish, hydrate, and protect your skin for ultimate health.