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Breast Augmentation and Breastfeeding

Many women considering breast augmentation in and around Alexandria, Virginia have questions about this procedure’s impact on breastfeeding. Breast augmentation should not interfere with your ability to breastfeed. However, if you plan on breastfeeding in the future, it is best to discuss this with Dr. Desman prior to your augmentation. There are certain breast augmentation options that can help reduce complications with breastfeeding and ensure a comfortable experience for both you and your baby.

Breast Augmentation Considerations for Future Breastfeeding Mothers

The first step in minimizing potential complications is choosing the right breast augmentation incision placement. Incisions placed in the armpit or underneath the breasts are less likely to interfere with milk ducts and may be better suited for future breastfeeding mothers.

Your next choice will be breast implant placement: Over or under the muscle. When there is pressure on your milk ducts, your milk supply can become limited. Breast implants placed under the muscles in your chest are less likely to place pressure on milk ducts, reducing this complication and helping ensure a proper milk supply.

Even with these surgical options, it is possible that breast implants will interfere with breastfeeding. While complications are rare, many women choose to wait until they are finished having children to undergo breast augmentation. In these instances, Dr. Desman can combine breast augmentation with other postpartum procedures for a complete mommy makeover, giving you the beautifully sculpted, womanly body you deserve after having children.

All of your options will be discussed with you during your initial consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon.

If you live in or around Alexandria, Springfield or Fairfax, Virginia, or Washington DC, and have questions about breast augmentation surgery, please contact the Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Desman today.